Coming Events to Keep Us Informed
Sophia Inclusive Community 2025 Calendar – Always a work in progress.
All are on Zoom; all times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Liturgy begins at 10:00 a.m. Planning Meetings follow liturgy.
Most events are 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST unless otherwise noted.
SJ=Sophia Junction (Rainbow Railroad)
Calendar as of 12.23.2024
Sund. 1/5 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 1/7 Meditation
Wed. 1/8 Book Discussion
Sund.1/12 Liturgy
Tues. 1/14 SJ: LGBTQ Community & Cultural Humility
Provided by EDGE NJ for those involved with
Sophia Junction (although all are welcome to attend)
Sund.1/19 Liturgy
Tues. 1/21 Meditation
Wed. 1/22 Book Discussion
Sat. 1/25 Teaching/Raising Mentally Healthy Children 11:00-12:00 a.m. EST
Presented by Kathleen Gallagher
Sund.1/26 Liturgy
Sund. 2/2 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 2/4 Meditation
Thur. 2/6 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund. 2/9 Liturgy
Sund. 2/16 Liturgy
Tues. 2/18 Meditation
Sund.2/23 Liturgy
Wed. 2/26 Faith Sharing
Sund.3/2 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 3/4 Meditation
Wed. 3/5 Book Discussion
Sund.3/9 Liturgy
Sund.3/16 Liturgy
Tues. 3/18 Meditation
Wed. 3/19 Book Discussion
Sund.3/23 Liturgy
Wed. 3/26 Faith Sharing
Sund.3/30 Liturgy
Thur. 4/3 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund. 4/6 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Sund. 4/13 Liturgy
Tues. 4/15 Meditation
Sund.4/20 Liturgy
Wed. 4/23 Faith Sharing
Sund.4/20 Liturgy
Sund.5/4 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 5/6 Meditation
Wed. 5/7 Book Discussion
Sund.5/11 Liturgy
Sund.5/18 Liturgy
Tues. 5/20 Meditation
Wed. 5/21 Book Discussion
Sund.5/25 Liturgy
Wed. 5/28 Faith Sharing
Sund.6/1 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 6/3 Meditation
Thur. 6/5 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund.6/8 Liturgy
Sund.6/15 Liturgy
Tues. 6/17 Meditation
Sund.6/22 Liturgy
Wed. 6/25 Faith Sharing
Sund.6/29 Liturgy
Tues. 7/1 Meditation
Wed. 7/2 Book Discussion
Sund.7/6 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Sund.7/13 Liturgy
Tues. 7/15 Meditation
Wed. 7/16 Book Discussion
Sund.7/20 Liturgy
Wed. 7/23 Faith Sharing
Sund.7/27 Liturgy
Sund.8/3 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 8/5 Meditation
Thur. 8/7 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund.8/10 Liturgy
Sund.8/17 Liturgy
Tues. 8/19 Meditation
Sund.8/24 Liturgy
Wed. 8/27 Faith Sharing
Sund.8/31 Liturgy
Tues. 9/2 Meditation
Wed. 9/3 Book Discussion
Sund.9/7 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Sund.9/14 Liturgy
Tues. 9/16 Meditation
Wed. 9/17 Book Discussion
Sund.9/21 Liturgy
Wed. 9/24 Faith Sharing
Sund.9/28 Liturgy
Thur. 10/2 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund.10/5 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 10/7 Meditation
Sund.10/12 Liturgy
Sophia Retreat – 10/17, 18, 19 – Ocean Grove, NJ
Sund.10/19 Liturgy
Tues. 10/21 Meditation
Wed. 10/22 Faith Sharing
Sund.10/26 Liturgy
Sund.11/2 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Tues. 11/4 Meditation
Wed. 11/5 Book Discussion
Sund.11/9 Liturgy
Sund.11/16 Liturgy
Tues. 11/18 Meditation
Wed. 11/19 Book Discussion
Sund.11/23 Liturgy
Wed. 11/26 Faith Sharing
Thur. 11/27 Thanksgiving Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Sund.11/30 Liturgy
Tues. 12/2 Meditation
Thur. 12/4 Possible Soc.Justice Presentation
Sund.12/7 Liturgy & Planning Meeting
Sund.12/14 Liturgy
Tues. 12/16 Meditation
Sund.12/21 Liturgy
Sund.12/28 Liturgy