Our Beliefs

Our Roots

Our roots are Catholic. Our Sunday morning Zoom liturgies have a Liturgy of the Word, a homily which is first preached and then shared, and a Eucharistic Prayer.  Since 2008, we have intentionally evolved from the traditional Catholic Mass to include contemporary readings by modern day prophets and inspiring songs which are not found in traditional hymnals.

We are grounded in the Holy Spirit, so that all are welcome to celebrate with us.  No one is “out” and no one is “in.”  We are affirming community for members of LGBTQIA+, BIPOC and divorced and non-traditional, progressive, non-believers.

Our progressive theology flows from Sophia, Wisdom of God, as recognized in the Hebrew Testament.  We have expanded our understanding of Jesus and the Divine through the works of writers and theologians such as Michael Morwood, John Selby Spong, Marcus Borg, Joan Chittester, Jan Phillips, Richard Rohr, Elizabeth Johnson, Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme.


We are an alternative  faith community which is a safe spiritual home for all. Our community and our actions are rooted in the Gospel values of love, compassion, inclusivity, diversity, peace and justice seen in the mission and ministry of Jesus.


We are creating and practicing new ways of being church through a discipleship of equals – carrying out the priesthood of the people through radical inclusivity in joyful worship and ministry. Each person’s uniqueness is honored and offered as gift to the community.

Spiritual nourishment flows from our weekly inclusive Eucharistic and other Liturgies and our shared faith journeys. The community both individually and collectively is strengthened and inspired to reach out to our brothers and sisters most in need. We currently provide ongoing support to:

  • Pathways to Prosperity of Sussex County, NJ
  • St. Oscar Romero Catholic Church in Rochester, N.Y.
  • The Sparta Community Food Pantry, Sparta, NJ
  • Refugees Assistance Morris Partners, Morristown, NJ

How we carry out our mission:

  • Since the summer of 2021, we have decided to move to a fully Online Liturgy.
  • Sources for inspiration come from our Scriptures and those of other wisdom traditions.
  • Both presider and congregants, reflect and comment on the scripture readings during the shared homily.
  • After the weekly liturgy all are invited to engage in faith sharing discussions where knowledge is shared, questions are considered and opinions are fully expressed in an open and respectful manner.
  • Gluten free bread and alcohol free wine are used for our liturgies (when in person)
  • Priesthood for all who are called [women, men, married, single, gay, straight] is supported and promoted by the Community.
  • Inclusive, non-militaristic, non-violent language is used in our liturgies, which are rooted in Creation, Resurrection, and Liberation Theologies.
  • Seventy-five percent of our collected funds are donated to mutually selected charities.
  • Spiritual growth is supported through Zoom meetings that support Bi-Monthly Social Justice Series, a book club, annual in-person retreat, and networking with the larger progressive community.